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Rated 12A

98 mins 2D Digital Drama Adults £9.00 Concessions £8.00 Evening £10.00

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Full of shock turns, moments of horrific injury, polar bear action and tense emotional scenes, Arctic will keep your hands clenched to your chair until its brilliant, breathless conclusion.
Mads Mikkelsen (Hannibal, Doctor Strange) gives a tour de force performance as a pilot whose plane has crashed in a remote corner of the Arctic. Stranded in the wilderness he uses his ingenuity to survive. When about to receive his long-awaited rescue, an explosive accident means his opportunity is lost and the dire situation further complicated.
The tragic turn of events, involving another crash survivor forces the pilot to make a perilous choice between the relative safety of his camp and a deadly trek into the unknown.

Content Advisory: Infrequent strong language, moderate threat, injury detail
First UK Showing: 10th May 2019

If you wish to book a movie deal for this film, please do not book online, but call us on 015394 33845.