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Last Breath

Rated 12A

93 mins 2D Digital Thriller Adults £9.00 Concessions £8.00 Evening £10.00

For Movie Deals please call 015394 33845
To book tickets only, please select a date and time below

Date: Wed 26th Mar
Zeffs by the Park


Starring, Woody Harrelson, Finn Cole, and Simu Liu, LAST BREATH is a tense and emotionally powerful action thriller that tells the remarkable true story of a commercial diver stranded at the bottom of the North Sea with only five minutes of oxygen and no chance of rescue. It’s a story of one man’s impossible fight for survival and a crew doing everything they can to bring him home alive.

Content Advisory: moderate threat, infrequent strong language
First UK Showing: 14th March 2025

If you wish to book a movie deal for this film, please do not book online, but call us on 015394 33845.