Rated 15140 mins 2D Digital Drama Adults £9.00 Evening £10.00
Tuesday 13th March at 8.00pm
Adults £10.00; Movie Deal £26.95
Students (with a valid student card) £8.00; Movie Deal £24.95
Entirely shot on green screen, Shakespeare’s Macbeth has been reinvented by director Kit Monkman (The Knife That Killed Me) in an exciting new film adaptation.
Monkman’s unique adaptation successfully bridges the gap between theatre and film to create a wholly new type of imaginative space. This radical new adaptation puts the audience’s engagement with the story centre-stage, amplifying the theatrical context of the original and creating truly innovative and thrilling cinematic vistas, whilst maintaining the language and themes of Shakespeare’s original play.
Using the green screen has allowed Monkman to create his vision of a multi-tiered globe in which the characters play out their various fates. Imagine a mini Death Star a la Star Wars across the levels of which the camera drifts and zooms in on various action and key characters. The fluidity of the cameras’ movement around this globe aims to give the audience a constant perspective of the action as opposed to individual, isolated scenes.
Accurate yet accessible, this interpretation is for all audiences; from a fresh retelling for avid Shakespeare fans, to a learning tool for any students studying Macbeth.
As an additional bonus, the screening will be preceded by fifteen minutes of footage documenting ‘The Making Of Macbeth: The Film’.
Professor Peter Holland, Chair of the International Shakespeare Association, says the adaptation is, “Brilliant and exhilarating. Kit Monkman’s Macbeth (is) the most innovative rethinking of what it means to put Shakespeare on film for decades . . . a forceful reimagining of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy.”
If you wish to book a movie deal for this film, please do not book online, but call us on 015394 33845.