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Tell It to the Bees

Rated 15

108 mins 2D Digital Drama Adults £9.00 Evening £10.00

For Movie Deals please call 015394 33845
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A single mother Lydia (Holliday Grainger) who is abandoned by her husband, meets the small village's Doctor Jean Markham (Anna Paquin) who has recently returned to her hometown when Lydia's son Charlie is taken under the doctor after being bullied in school. When Lydia and Charlie are unhoused because of Lydia's earnings from her work are not adequate to pay the rent, Jean invites them to stay in her home and she and Lydia soon develop a friendship and maybe something more.

Content Advisory: Scene of sexual violence, strong threat, bloody images, sex
First UK Showing: 19th July 2019

If you wish to book a movie deal for this film, please do not book online, but call us on 015394 33845.